Four Men stood before the Watchers
the angels placed by God
to observe and record
the deeds
the facts
of all that walk this Earth
came the command
a plea for adequate defense
a hope for a sense
of progress
of purpose
from someone
from anyone
They stood in the sun and claimed
It’s not me it’s him
said the first
It’s not me it’s him
said the second
and they went back and forth
before the befuddled Watchers
both taking
one word forward
one word back
their pain wounding
and the others
a death-addled dance
a dystopian dichotomy
And the angels sighed
and the angels cried
and they hoped and they wished
and waited
in the next world
posed for eternity
Then the other two men
one stepped forward
one stepped forward
and the total was greater
And they sat in the fading light
kindling candles of hope
their pain strengthening
and the other
and as the sunlight fled screaming
they sat and whispered
and the Watchers leaned in
and they talked and they planned
and they knew how they were created
as equals
…as brothers
…as humans…
in this world
And the Watchers smiled
And they wrote in their books
The post [PCJE] Hebron appeared first on These and Those.